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Bent Madsen

Telefon: 28 88 18 77

Administrerende direktør i BL – Danmarks Almene Boliger siden 2010.

Formand for bestyrelsen i BL’s nordiske søsterorganisation NBO - Housing Nordic og Præsident (formand) for Housing Europe (den europæiske sammenslutning af offentlige, kooperative og sociale boligorganisationer). Medlem af bestyrelsen i Dansk Erhverv, AE Rådet, Det Sociale Netværk, Det Centrale Handicapråd og Hjem-Til-Alle Alliancen.

Biography for Bent Madsen

Since 2010 Bent Madsen has filled the chair as CEO of BL – Danish Social Housing, the national federation of social housing organizations in Denmark.

Bent also holds the Presidency of Housing Europe (the European Federation of Public, Cooperative and Social housing), and is Chairman of NBO - Housing Nordic (the Nordic association of co-operative social housing organizations).

Administrerende direktør i BL – Danmarks Almene Boliger siden 2010.

Formand for bestyrelsen i BL’s nordiske søsterorganisation NBO - Housing Nordic og Præsident (formand) for Housing Europe (den europæiske sammenslutning af offentlige, kooperative og sociale boligorganisationer). Medlem af bestyrelsen i Dansk Erhverv, AE Rådet, Det Sociale Netværk, Det Centrale Handicapråd og Hjem-Til-Alle Alliancen.

Biography for Bent Madsen

Since 2010 Bent Madsen has filled the chair as CEO of BL – Danish Social Housing, the national federation of social housing organizations in Denmark.

Bent also holds the Presidency of Housing Europe (the European Federation of Public, Cooperative and Social housing), and is Chairman of NBO - Housing Nordic (the Nordic association of co-operative social housing organizations).